How to hide a button on Detail View conditionally

Suppose in Specific Module i Want to Hide Delete button conditionaly from DetailView page, So where can i put condition for show/hide.

You should be able to modify this in /custom/modules/<desired_module>/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

Adding to this something like:

if (your condition) {
    //2 being the index of the DELETE button

You’ll then need to run: Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair and Rebuild

For SugarCRM Pro version

You should edit the custom/modules/<desired_module>/metadata/detailviewdefs.php file and change the$viewdefs[$module_name][‘DetailView’][‘templateMeta’][‘form’] array according to your needs. As by default this array is empty for pretty much all modules.


// Place this code on the end of a file.
// This line remove all buttons
$viewdefs[$<desired_module>]['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] = array();
// This will add some buttons according to your conditions:
if (condition for edit button = true)
    $viewdefs[$<desired_module>]['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = 'EDIT';
if (condition for duplicate button = true)
    $viewdefs[$<desired_module>]['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = 'DUPLICATE';
if (condition for delete button = true)
    $viewdefs[$<desired_module>]['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = 'DELETE';

Remember to run Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair and Rebuild every time you change this file.

Note :

Here, <desired_module> means the module name you see in the URL, for example, Contacts, Leads, etc.
Here, <any_name> means the any file name for example, custom_fields, search_fields, etc.
Here, <entry_point_name> means any name as your requirements

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